
Filtering by: Installation

32. Anne Wilson & ARS Electronica​: REVEAL OUR CITY Through the voices of others @ the Beehive​
7:00 pm19:00

32. Anne Wilson & ARS Electronica​: REVEAL OUR CITY Through the voices of others @ the Beehive​

Anne Scott Wilson and Ars Electronica Australia collaborated on the artistic interface that connects the physical with the digital at GAD2019.  

Accompanying the Beehive in the City Hall Foyer is a live performance and installation that invites the public to participate and reflect their city, their voice and their perception.

"Beehive" (Bienenstock) is an ongoing artistic research experiment developed by Ars Electronica for collecting and contextualising video content from the activity of people. In the broadest sense it is a cross-media platform for crowd sourced video documentation. Beehive serves as a metaphor: like a society of bees, registered participants swarm out, capture  footage of a happening from a multitude of perspectives and then enter into the collective hive.

Performance every half hour from 6:30 in the City Hall Foyer.

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31. Anne Wilson: If you stay where you are,  you'll run into yourself
7:00 pm19:00

31. Anne Wilson: If you stay where you are, you'll run into yourself

Using kinetic sculpture, AI and machine learning from biological and movement data gathered in real time, this project explores the idea of a parallel universe within the everyday. ‘If you stay where you are, you'll run into yourself’ is a quantum provocation that inspires how I use materials.

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53. Tim Hulsman, Nina Grant & Mike Patton: UPSCALE
6:45 pm18:45

53. Tim Hulsman, Nina Grant & Mike Patton: UPSCALE

Sensational slide guitarist Tim Hulsman will improvise live music on a giant, two or three stringed instrument, designed and built by industrial artist Mike Patton, triggering explosions of colour onto the mega screen behind by visual artist Nina Grant, in a multi-dimensional, interactive experience of light, sound and substance.

15min shows starting at 6.45, 7:45, 8:45, 9:45

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19. Laughter House Entertainment: The Talking Lampposts
6:00 pm18:00

19. Laughter House Entertainment: The Talking Lampposts

What appear to be two ordinary Lampposts sit opposite each other until you pass by. They begin to speak, they love getting involved in other people’s lives and have opinions on everything. Get up close and personal, Lampposts want to experience your affection – even inanimate objects have feelings you know!

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18. Christian College Geelong (Bellarine Campus): Now You See Me: A Guerrilla Art and Drama Collaborative
6:00 pm18:00

18. Christian College Geelong (Bellarine Campus): Now You See Me: A Guerrilla Art and Drama Collaborative

Now You See Me: A Guerrilla Art and Drama Collaborative will be a student-led exhibition. More than two-dozen Year 9 students from Christian College Geelong (Bellarine Campus) will create an interactive space to showcase both installation and performance-based artwork. Students will explore sight, hearing and touch, with the audience involved.

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4. OYSTER - Barking Spider Visual Theatre
6:00 pm18:00

4. OYSTER - Barking Spider Visual Theatre

Delicious. Decadent. Divine, and Diminishing: OYSTER is an art installation about quantity and appetite. Piles of oyster, mussel and scallop shells display the decline and current restoration of oyster/shellfish populations in Port Philip Bay. Visit the OYSTER SALOON-BAR for a freshly shucked oyster and contribute to the installation and restoration.

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54. Janine Clark: Navigating Politeness
6:00 pm18:00

54. Janine Clark: Navigating Politeness

Senses will be transported through design eras - paper street maps were once the only way to navigate, but with the internet age we have navigational devices that talk to us. Listen for interjections of politeness unknown to the current digital navigational world, but perhaps the way of future design.

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1. Botanical Lobotomy - Newcomb Secondary College
6:00 pm18:00

1. Botanical Lobotomy - Newcomb Secondary College

‘Botanical Lobotomy' highlights our connection with our changing world. Audiences will be able to feast on the selection of illuminated plant specimens made from a combination of new, recycled and found objects. Discoveries made through scientific experimentation and genetic modification will reveal bizarre, whimsical, mysterious and reimagined life forms.

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3. Shipping Buoy Chandelier - Christopher Holder
6:00 pm18:00

3. Shipping Buoy Chandelier - Christopher Holder

We find ourselves living on an insignificant planet, circling a humdrum star.

Lost in a galaxy in a forgotten corner of a universe in which there are far more planets than people. (Carl Sagan - Words from documentary 'Cosmos')

Why in the night sky are the lights hung? Why is the Earth Moving around the Sun? (Robin Pecknold - Lyrics from a song called 'Blue Spotted Tail' by band Fleet Foxes) ‍

Why in the night sky are the lights hung? Why is the Earth Moving around the Sun?

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